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In 1923, the home of Deacon T. Chin and his wife was a place of worship for just a few people. Three years later, they purchased a church home called Friendship Baptist at 670 Fourth Street with Reverend Harris as Pastor.
Reverend Daniel Jackson was called as Pastor in April 1927. In 1951 under Pastor Jackson's leadership, the church acquired the property at 111-113 Oraton Street in Newark, New Jersey. The new church ground was broken in July 1952, and Reverend Jackson did much of the actual building of the new church. The church was charted by the State of New Jersey and named Second Friendship Baptist Church without ever having a mortgage. The construction of the new church was completed in 1960. 

Reverend Daniel Jackson died in November 1962, and two years later, Reverend Harvey Walker became Pastor. Under his leadership, the members continued working on finishing the church's interior. 

In January 1970, Reverend Isaiah Jackson was elected Pastor of Second Friendship Baptist Church. The church continued to grow spiritually and financially, and church membership increased. Reverend Isaiah Jackson resigned as Pastor of Second Friendship Baptist Church in September 1980.
Elder Abraham Houston was elected the fifth Pastor of Second Friendship Baptist Church on July 7, 1981. Under the leadership of Elder Houston, the church reached higher heights and deeper depths. In addition, The Celestial Choir produced its first live recording, It is Praying Time. Elder Abraham Houston died on January 26, 1986.


On February 14, 1986, Second Friendship Baptist Church elected one of its own, Gerald A. Edwards, as the church's sixth Pastor. Under Pastor Edwards' leadership, the church continued to grow and serve the community. Through his years of service, Pastor Edwards continuously examined and re-sculpted the structure and scope of the church organization, changing how we approached ministers' training, bible education, men's, youth, evangelism, and outreach ministries; as exemplified by an active HIV/AIDS Awareness program, annual youth empowerment weeks, backpack/school supply give-a-ways, and outdoor programs and services. In light of the growth, progress, and focus in these various areas of ministry, in 1998, Second Friendship Baptist Church was renamed Friendship Ministries, Inc. to encompass who and what we are. It was also under Pastor Edwards that the church obtained 501(c)(3) status from the federal government, recognizing Friendship as an official tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation.


Two Kingdom Building Partners were birthed out of Friendship Ministries and Pneuma Fellowship International, a ministry developed to equip the church and its leaders for ministry in today's society. Its purpose is to reach humanity at all costs through various venues, leading them to Jesus Christ.



Friendship Ministries, Inc.
111-113 Oraton Street 
Newark, NJ 07104
p. 973.482.6736 
f. 973.482.5202

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