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Grace & Peace, my name is Minister Jonene Powell.  I was born, raised and live in Newark, New Jersey to the late Lynette A. Powell and late Joseph Lawson, Jr. I was saved, baptized and became a member of Friendship Ministries, Inc under the anointed leadership of our Senior Pastor, Bishop Gerald A. Edwards on October 1, 2000. 


Since joining Friendship Ministries, over the years, I have served on various auxiliaries as a member and officer of the Hospitality Ministry, Church School, the Women’s Ministry and Pastor’s Aid. God called me to join Friendship Ministries Ministerial Staff in August 2003 as a Minister-in-Training. 


I became an ordained Minister at Friendship Ministries on October 14, 2012.  I take seriously the mandate to witness and preach the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ to everyone over the highways and byways for I am not ashamed for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. I was created, commanded and called to serve and worship God.  As I continue to go forth obediently in my journey with God’s grace and guidance, it is my prayer that I touch, inspire and encourage God’s people along the way.

2016 created for FMI, Wix

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